Wednesday, May 27, 2020

1st Post

Hell-o. This is my very first post on this blog. The purpose of this blog is in fact nothing. I just want to make a personal blog which allowed me to share anything that I think, I watch, I read, I learn, and left a little footage of me in this cyber world.

Besides that, I have a memory of a fish. I frequently forgot basically anything including what movie I've been watching, what book I've been reading, what lesson in class I've been learning. By sharing all of that I could easily retrieve that from my 100kb memory just by reading my own writing again.

Also by making this un-purpose and un-functional blog I would likely boost two skills. Writing and English. The reason why I write in English is bEcAuSe I LiKe iT. - Aubrey Plaza.

So yeah this is my blog. *cut the ceremonial red ribbon* *applause*


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